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Discover scrambling



Length: 2 days

Max ratio: 1:4

Spice up your day walks in the mountains with some more technical terrain. Over the course of 2 days, we look at developing your personal confidence to facilitate movement across complex terrain and cover methods of group leadership and party management across grade 1 ground. We aim to put this all together and complete a classic scramble as part of a wider mountain journey, such as the Crib Lem Spur or north ridge of Tryfan.

Who is this for?

Previous basic hill-walking experience is required and a desire to progress towards graded scrambles. We will be out for around 6-7 hours on the hill each day.


1:1-1:2 £440

1:3-1:4 £560

...or why not get in touch to organise a bespoke day!

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